07 December 2007

Quinzelle's Blog Review

I haven't heard about Quinzelle until a few days ago. When I've first entered on her website I was struck by something, something red, because the background is red, the text is red. I was expecting to be just another website made in a hurry so she could post her thoughts, I was wrong so that's why I owe her(and Joker) some apologies!

Quinzelle website is not maintained by only one person(Quinzelle), there is second one named Joker. So Quinzelle and Joker are two complementary sides of a woman and a man. According to what Quinzelle wrote on her about section of the website there are two ways the website could be seen as:
-from "her" perspective;
-from "his" perspective;

Now to get back to the blog configuration, as it can be seen from the first time you enter Quinzelle's blog you will notice that there are no ads on her website. So everything she writes it's for pleasure and not for money. The blog is structured this way:
-a banner in the upper side of the page;
-after the banner comes a bar with four links(Home, Quinzelle&Joker-about, Pictures with Quinzelle&Joker, Contact);
-in the left side a column with categories and links to other blogs;
-in the right side a search bar, latests posts, latest comments, archive of posts, login section, how many people are online, and a calendar;
-in the middle between left and right column came the posts(a thing I like is that the post is not entire shown on the main page, you will have to click on the post to open it and to read it all);
-another thing I've observed on Quinzelle&Joker's page is that you can collapse the comments with only one click on them, but the default setting is so you can see all the comments when opening a post.

At the end, after watching the site one more time, I think that this website is the work of Joker, if I'm wrong I ask that Quinzelle to forgive me. :)

The worst thing is that the website is only in Romanian and not English(it's kinda hard to make a site bilingual) so because Quinzelle's site is only in Romanian I'll have to make another review in Romanian on my other blog on 360. :)

*As a later edit: I've found out that the website is the work of Quinzelle. And Quinzelle told me that she is proud of her work. Well, she should be. :)

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