- there is a new category called "News";
-VisUrat was fired because he told the truth;
-Cristian Nemescu's killer gets 7 years and deportation;
-Ludovic Orban claims he is the victim, after running over a 17 year old girl(LE: girl has 14 years);
1. As in today I've decided that this blog won't be only about reviews, so "News" category is here. :) "News" category will mainly contain news about my country: Romania, because all the good and bad happens here. :) And mostly because I like it here most of the time, when everybody smiles and they make you feel welcomed, but there are also downsides. About the good and the bad on "News".
2. VisUrat, a famous blogger from Romania, was threaten that he will be fired because he disturbed some important politicians. This is not the first time VisUrat is fired because he refuses to stop his writing about politics. I can only hope that VisUrat won't get down because of this and he will continue his writing. As for the politicians? There are not enough words to express the hate we feel towards you. This article was found on Arhi's Blog.
3. Cristian Nemescu was a young Romanian film director who died over a year and half ago in car crash. His taxi was hit by a Porsche Cayenne, drove by British citizen Ali Imran. In the crash died three: the driver Dumitru Arustei(24 years), Cristian Nemescu(27 years) and sound engineer Andrei Toncu(28 years). Cristian Nemescu's latest movie was California Dreamin'(Endless) starring Armand Assante. It took Romanian justice one year and three months to convict Ali Imran to seven years of prison and after serving his time will be deported back to his country. Seven years, for killing three human beings, driving with 63km over the legal limit, passing on red light and driving without license plates.
4. Ludovic Orban is a Romanian dignitary who is accused by Romanian Press of hitting a 14 years old girl and then running from the place of the accident after bribing the girl's mother. Orban is the Minister of Transportation, Vice-president of communications and public relations, Vice-mayor of Bucharest(the capital city of Romania). After the Press found out about what Orban has done, he declared that he was not driving that day, but his driver. Then he declared that there was no victim in the car accident, and he is a victim of the Press. The witnesses of the accident declared that Orban hit the little girl and another car, then he flee the place of the accident. For this he should go to jail, that if he was a regular person.
Next time, when we'll be asked why are we leaving Romania I'll answer: "Because Romania it's a great country and I don't deserve living in it!"
Why was Imran sented to 6 years?
And why did it take 3 years for hime to be convicted?
Don't you think that he has served his time.
I left Romania 10 years ago after being brought up there by my family.
I left because of the rules they had for one and not another. I have watched Imran Ali trial from the day the accident occured and as a mother and daughter as the Judge and the mothers of the people that died that don't you think that he has served his time.
Yes three people have died but why has this been blown out of proportion, why has nobody ever been sentenced like this before.
Is it because he is Muslim.
I call upon the people in romania to fight to release him.
Dear anonymous:
Please understand that the sentences change with the times and circumstances. Others in the future, might be sentenced in the light of this one.
It is because, in spite of all that's human, he sped and run the lights, and killed THREE innocent people. Please make the effort and imagine your own child among the dead. Hope he appreciates how lucky he is to be alive, and never recover his permit again. Glad you left Romania- they're sure better off without you. And, please, will you learn to write correctly in your adoptive language? It might help you look more trustworthy...
I would like to say that contrary to belief and especially the INCORRECT and FALSE information provided by the media the car Imran Ali WAS registered, WAS insured AND had license plates. Please stop calling him a killer. It was an accident on which 3 people died. What of the driver had been Romanian instead of Imran? Would he still have been treated like this? No and to those who will reply back with the oh so usual negative things there are always two sides to a story and unfortunately Imran wasn't given a fair trial to put his side across without being discriminated against.
How terrible this man had the arrogance to drive without a thought of consequence. And how sad for the world at the talent and meaningfulness that was robbed from us.
May this be a lesson for other drivers that occasionally, there will be a consequence to your hateful arrogance, if not justice.
Anyone who has been robbed of an innocent friend or family member has contemplated fully on the character of such a hateful, arrogant driver. In our area it is the Porsche and BMW driver that seems almost obliged to dangerous road behavior, often to their deaths, predictably, but sometimes to others as well.
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