1.A college from Oslo was closed today after a video broadcast on
Youtube.com in witch a massacre was announced. A 15 years old student from Kjenn School, who's identity was not yet revealed, admitted that he uploaded the movie clip on Youtube website. The video clip has 50 seconds, was uploaded on Saturday and removed from Youtube yesterday. In the movie clip appears the image of a school with music background and then the faces of six teachers, while a voice says: "This will happen someday, you will die!"
Yeah so that's kinda scary, knowing that you will die someday, but it's the truth. So the kid actually didn't threaten anyone. He just told them that they are going to die, thing that it's going to happen to all of us, someday, as the kid says. Yeah... got to be really scary to be intimidated by a 15 years kid. Kid's can be very scary.
2.Today, in Romania(country of all possibilities), ANES(National Agency for Chance Equality) announced that the refuse of Norica Nicolai as Minister of Justice by President Basescu could be a discrimination against women. This is very funny, because the president doesn't have a record of treating women badly, he supported some of them in their career in politics.
But because Norica Nicolai is from PNL(same political party as
Ludovic Orban which by the was found to have no implication in
the car accident) and PNL want to have their own man inside Ministry of Justice in order to harass those from PD and PLD, because soon the election from mayors will come. So when the president Traian Basescu refused Norica Nicolai, the prime-minister Calin-Popescu Tariceanu(PNL) began a campain against Basescu.
So it began all this scandal all trowing with mud at each other. But somewhere in the past when voting a law, Norica Nicolai sent her niece to vote in her place, because she was to busy. So maybe here niece will decide who gets prosecuted by the Justice Department, if she becomes Minister of Justice.
3.In the year 1976 occidentals were decided to stop the communism with the force. NATO was prepared to hit Italy if the Communist Party won the elections in 1976. "The Times" says that CIA was already infiltrated in Italy, being positive that the communists would win the election. So 30 something years ago NATO and CIA were fighting against the communist, big deal.
I guess that the Italians are now pissed off and think that the CIA had no right to get involved and all those paranoid stuff(maybe CIA is still there, maybe they want to do it again). So before thinking of that as a bad thing, think that you would have lived in communism for 30 years, and no democracy for you. How would have that been? Enjoyable? Think of all the country that gained democracy when the Iron Curtain felt, do you think that those people were happy on communism? Think again!